This is it, my short series on depression is over. I am going to take on this subject again sometime in the future, but for now I’m glad I can move to different topics.
Writing this series was an interesting time, because it made me think and realize things that are important to me. For example, halfway through the series, I had a moment of doubt about whether I am truly interested in the topic of depression, since, emotionally, I am totally detached from it. The answer was loud and clear: I am interested in encouraging and uplifting people, and my experience with depression provided me with an additional niche in which I can channel this interest in helping others feel better about themselves.
I also realized that, even though I was depressed and overcame it, right now the whole experience is sedimented, therefore I cannot speak 100% depressive language and thoughts, because I have changed many of my ideas ever since that experience. Some of the things I can say about depression from my present standing point are somewhat challenging for someone who is dealing with depression right now, and that is perfectly fine – change is never totally comfortable.
Ironically, this guy I’ve known since he was born almost committed suicide during this time, and, despite my less than secondary role in this on-going story, I was provided with real-life real-time connection to part of what I wrote, refreshing and revalidating my point of view. (I hope he lives to be a happy old man, but he’s loved no matter what.)
In the end, I would like to add that mental and emotional issues are not something to be ashamed or proud of. Shame and pride are not only social products, but they also prevent us from being deeply happy (yes, there is happiness beyond pride). Experience in itself does not define a person. It is you who defines what an experience means to yourself, and you’re the only one who really has to live with and through it.
I hope more and more people realize the great potential for self discovery, self confidence and self power that lies in the experience of depression.
Thank you very much for your interest in The Depression Series (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). You are always welcome to subscribe to my blog, follow future series, and check out my future projects about getting rid of depression.
I wish you happiness 🙂