Image source: morgueFile.com
I sometimes think of how it would be if one of my dearest people died. I don’t think it’s gloomy, but a strong reminder of how much I love and appreciate them. They won’t leave my life empty, because I will always carry them in me – in my gestures, in my words, in my idleness. Death couldn’t erase the profound changes these people have inspired in me. But I will miss them.
Remember who you’d like to spend more time with. Imagine several people simply disappearing from your life; notice your feelings. The people we feel we couldn’t live without are often those we start taking for granted. Paradoxically, we tend to neglect and postpone plans with the people we most care about, because they understand, because they don’t mind, they love us. But that is just living without them before this choice becomes an irreparable fact; we’re paving the way to ravaging regrets, instead of gratefully enjoying their presence in our lives… while it lasts.
Next time you have priorities to set, remember who you want to keep in your life longer, schedule a shared activity, and put it at the top of your list.